Evil me says I would wait for that kid outside school and drag him behind the nearest building and beat him to death. Having now fantasized about that, what I would actually do is take my daughter out of that school and home school her, which is what I should have done years before she ever entered the public indoctrination system.

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And you win the best answer of the day.

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Jeff, I've been asking all day. Where did this happen? What school district???? I won't site your article. I just want to send an email to the District and Administrator.

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Unvarnished evil. Hard to watch that video. And the one dark haired girl nearby, to the right had her smart phone ready to record the attack (obviously pro-lgbt). It was planned and organized. :-/

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I agree, it seemed planned as someone had their camera active seconds before the attack.

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So, it seems pretty damning upon this School, that they would let it get to this level. Where students were so ingrained by staff with the insanity of transgenderism, that these students would actually participate in the assault of this little girl. I have sent emails to that school and school district about this, and have not gotten a single reply. So, let them be damned. They know what they have done and have no sense of responsibility. To hell with them! It's getting easier and easier to tell the difference between those who serve God, and those who serve Him not.

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The utterly broken court system filled to the brim with bleeding heart DAs is going to lead to vigilante justice.

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I do believe you are correct. If that devil possessed, mentally ill boy masquerading as a girl is not reported to Law Enforcement AND immediately and permanently expelled, I would ask my older high school aged son (still a minor) to disguise himself as a female & follow that kid to some isolated area and beat the living daylights out of him! For what he did to his sister!! Perfectly legal. One minor taking care of business upon another. ;-) This is how we combat the scourge of DEI!

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People need to just not use PS as an option. Get creative. I home schooled 31 years and it was NOT EASY. It can be done.

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Wow. 31 years. We're on year two and it already seems daunting. But we're committed.

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Jeff, I've been asking all day. Where did this happen? What school district???? I won't site your article. I just want to send an email to the District and Administrator.

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What would I do?

Nothing that God would approve of.

I likely could not be as reserved as Steve is and I would probably go through with my thoughts.

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Stop saying home schooling is not always feasible. Stop giving Christian parents, especially fathers and grandfathers an out. It is the quintessential Christian education but it requires sacrifice, sometimes great sacrifice. No child of Christian parents should be in a government school. Most Christian schools are nominally Christian. Parents (fathers) must lead and pastors must stop pussyfooting around. We are at war and the enemy is educating our children.

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I agree. But what do you do if your wife dies of cancer and you have to feed your children?

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Is there no one in the church? Is there no Christian family who will come alongside? Is there not a pastor who would see to it that this man who just lost his wife in death does not lose his children to the prince of darkness who owns the schools and culture? Does dad have other options, like downsizing, major lifestyle change, anything to protect his children from evil as he trains them up in the Lord. What do you do if your wife dies of cancer? You honor her memory and sacrifice by ensuring the children she bore you, her faithful husband, are protected from evil and the evil one and are given every opportunity to learn, know, and grow in her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are at war. Stop putting children on the front lines.

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Ha it never seems to truly end..it's a way of life. I tutored my 4 year old grand daughter to help her get into a fabulous local Christian school kindergarten and I'm tutoring a 10 year old friend's child....

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Pull my child from the school. Encourage other parents to do the same. File a lawsuit against the school district. Press for assault charges. Run for school board.

If in a deep blue state that worships demons, move. Your children are not missionaries in your school, the schools there are demonic pagan seminaries destroying children.

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Amen, Brother! I've been warning about this for nearly 20 years, and each year it gets worse. This decade was twice as bad as the previous decade. And the last 3 years twice as bad as the prior 3 years. How long can this go on? Prophecy is being fulfilled: "Perilous times shall come...." Now is the time to redeem the time, for the days are truly evil.

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I hope the girl’s parents file charges against this female-dressing boy. At the least he should be expelled from the school. This is totally unacceptable.

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Problem is that these kids don't care if they get expelled. They hate society...they are ticking time bombs. And there are many more of them.

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Exactly so. Spot-on.

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Jeff, I've been asking all day. Where did this happen? What school district???? I won't site your article. I just want to send an email to the District and Administrator.

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Homeschool. Years ago, my now grown son decided he wanted to attend public school for sports. We had always homeschooled or private schooled. He’s biracial and was constantly harassed by the black kids at the high school. We complained to the principal who did nothing. We complained to the coach who told us that was the reason he had his own children in private school. Parents are going to need to make the hard choice. Do I sacrifice my child for a second paycheck? It’s hard but it’s worth it. No redos unfortunately when it comes to raising children.

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Yes, God’s design is clear and when we choose to depart from His ways, this is all that’s left. We are so prone to turn away from Yahweh toward new gods of our own making, exposing spiritual rottenness. Maranatha!

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My limitations, by virtue of being human, I’d be very very sneaky, but, deliberate.

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THAT is abominable & wrong by any measure! The poor kid could well have sustained a brain injury hitting her head on the floor like that. The incident should immediately be reported to the Principal, with witnesses corroborating just what took place there. And that subhuman animal should be expelled PERMANENTLY. Anything less is unacceptable.

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A BULLY is a BULLY !! Does it really matter who they are ! I do find it interesting that the article I read on wnd.com states this was a third incident and its was always a girl. The "trans" obviously selects those who cannot defend themselves against his male strength. How things have changed since my children were that age, 20 + years ago it was ZERO tolerance.

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It's tempting to respond in kind and beat up the other kid but that is not the way. Instead you should beat up the other kid's father.

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Just. get. out. of. Sodom.

Prophecy is being fulfilled: "Perilous times shall come...."

Now is the time to redeem the time, for the days are truly evil.

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You're welcome.

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Read this article to find out more about what is going on in our public schools. I read it from The Unz Review - An Alternative Media Selection.

"White Teachers Face Record Rates of Violence and Abuse from Black Students" by Eric Striker, June 30, 2023. I'm not focusing of race, but violence in our schools and the effect it is having on our education system. Teachers are leaving the profession because they are not safe either.

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