
What Would You Do If This Were Your Daughter?

A disturbing video has emerged showing a biological male student, dressed as a female, viciously attacking an actual girl. This alarming incident demands an urgent response from Christian parents: what would you do if this was your daughter?

This is not an isolated event. It exposes the dangerous environments in public schools that recklessly endanger our children.

God's design is clear—he created male and female as biological opposites. No ideological agenda can erase these facts. Males possess greater muscle mass and bone density compared to females. These differences have serious real-world consequences, especially when safety is at risk.

In their foolish pursuit of “inclusivity,” schools implement policies that defy scientific reality and biblical truths. How can we trust our children to institutions that compromise their safety and undermine our values?

The system is broken beyond repair. Private schools are expensive and homeschooling not always feasible, but we must ensure environments where our children can thrive both academically and spiritually.

No setting will be perfect. But incidents like this prove public schools fail to uphold biblical values or ensure our children's well-being. As we serve God faithfully, we must be proactive in safeguarding our children—spiritually and physically. Even if it costs us everything.

Our children are too precious to compromise. We must take bold action to protect them.
