This is absolute nonsense, a theological train wreck wrapped in sanctimonious self-delusion. The fact that this man believes his sexual perversion somehow grants him a special insight into Heaven—a “greater window” than those in biblically ordained marriages—is proof of the spiritual rot at the heart of the so-called “gay Christian” movement.
Let’s break down this heretical gibberish piece by piece, because this is nothing more than an exercise in self-exaltation, a desperate attempt to twist Scripture into affirming the very thing it condemns.
"I'm saying no to an earthly marriage because I have a greater marriage in heaven."
Oh, how noble! Except for the small problem that he was never supposed to have an earthly marriage in the first place. There is no virtue in abstaining from what was already forbidden by God. This is like a thief patting himself on the back for refusing to rob a bank while keeping the stolen cash under his mattress.
"And so I'm going to treat this lifetime as like my engagement celebration."
What kind of self-indulgent drivel is this? Since when does the Christian life revolve around treating yourself? The entire call of the believer is to deny oneself, take up the cross, and follow Christ (Luke 9:23). But no, for this man, his special revelation tells him that his life should be an "engagement party," as though faithfulness is a celebratory self-affirmation rather than a call to obedience, suffering, and sacrifice.
"Which should be all of our posture by the way because we will not be married in heaven."
What stunning arrogance. He actually presents himself as the enlightened one among all Christians, breaking the news to the poor, ignorant heterosexuals who were foolishly devoted to biblical marriage.
But what he conveniently ignores is that marriage on earth still has a God-ordained purpose. It serves as a reflection of Christ’s love for the Church (Ephesians 5:22-32), and it is the primary means by which Godly offspring are brought into the world (Malachi 2:15). But rather than acknowledging this, he exploits the reality of the future to dismiss obedience in the present.
Then the host asks:
"If I'm hearing you correctly as a gay man, you're saying you have a greater window into that... throughout the eternal spectrum than I do. And that is such a mind-blower for me."
This is what the “gay Christian” movement is truly about—it’s not just about demanding acceptance, it’s about elevating themselves above everyone else. They don’t just want to be “included,” they want to be the superior class of Christian—the enlightened, the spiritually privileged, the ones with “special access” to divine truths that the rest of us just can’t grasp.
This is pure gnosticism, a false teaching in which certain people claim hidden knowledge that makes them spiritually superior. And in this case, their hidden knowledge is their sexual perversion, which they believe grants them deeper insights into Heaven than normal, Bible-believing Christians.
It’s not just heresy—it’s a full-fledged inversion of biblical truth.
"Maybe that's why the church struggles so much to welcome gay people or same-sex attracted people."
And here it is, folks. Blame the church. Blame Christians. Blame biblical fidelity. Because the problem isn’t that they refuse to repent—it’s that the church is just too closed-minded.
Here’s the real problem: The church doesn’t struggle to “welcome” homosexuals. The church struggles to keep the wolves out.
Anyone who repents and submits to Christ is welcomed. But that’s not what these people want. They don’t want Christ—they want Christ to accept their sin. They don’t want to conform to the gospel, they want the gospel to conform to them.
"But then it also raises the question, like, have we reduced marriage to just sex? You know?"
No, we haven’t.
We’ve upheld it as the sacred institution God designed it to be. But you know who has reduced marriage to sex? The LGBT movement.
They are the ones who have stripped marriage of its divine purpose and reduced it to a legally recognized relationship between two people who engage in sexual activity. They are the ones who redefined it as something entirely about personal pleasure, rather than God’s design for family and fruitfulness.
And now, with breathtaking arrogance, they stand in front of the Church and ask:
"Wait, did you guys make too big a deal out of this?"
This is not deep theology. This is not biblical insight. This is not spiritual revelation.
This is self-worship disguised as holiness.
This is a rebranding of rebellion as revelation.
This is the same lie Satan has told since the garden: that disobedience makes you more like God.
And this is the kind of heresy that will lead people straight to Hell.
But it gets worse. Watch: