this all started with the passing of the late great founder Truett Cathy in 2014. The idiot son who runs the company now is a marginal believer at best and likely not saved, certainly not sanctified.

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Another one bites the dust. Good to be advised that Chik Fil A is fully and blatantly surrendered to the Baal worshipping corporatocracy and is a panderer of its propaganda. I haven't eaten in one of their restaurants since about 2016', so I can go ahead and do without them or others in the Woke Pantheon for another few years or the Final Curtain on the End Stage, whichever comes first.

However, though hand join in hand, they will not win. God says so.

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The Dissenter is an incredible ministry! Thank you so much for helping us decipher and recognize the evil plans Satan is unfolding, especially towards our children. God bless you for everything you're doing to help the Church!

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Thank you again for keeping us aware of what the world system is doing right under our noses! I wonder if this could be an oversight by Chick-Fil-A by not reviewing this material or just putting too much trust in the publishers? Either way children do not need to be exposed to this ideology from Hell!! Let them eat-let them play-lead them to Jesus The only Way!!

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