Brother, you work very hard at exposing these false brethren. What more can you do? It’s in Gods hands. Our orthodox views are out there. I think you feel a little powerless, maybe a bit frustrated. I just don’t know what more we can do. The world wants to murder, who but God can stop it? The wicked have fire bombed pregnancy centers. A hundred of them. The cops don’t care. Judges don’t care. I’m at a loss . All we can do is warn them of consequences and pray they receive them.

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Gosh you'll never guess where that Alphabet Asylum (properly named, I see) is based out of oh wait if you guessed it yep MASSACHUSETTS.

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I just had to read the list of names to realize who these people, these wolves in shepherds clothing, were and what they represent. Priests of Moloch... coming as angels of light....

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That list of names sure has something in common.... can't quite put my finger on it... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔

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Speak out firmly against it everywhere and proclaim Christ's Truth no matter what the cost, but know that these are the Last Days prophesied in the Bible, in which the evil waxes worse and worse....

This is the Judgement of God or the beginnings thereof we are seeing. We are not going to be able to reverse it. God is in control! It is an opportunity to exercise FAITH and TRUST as we are guided through it following the leading of The Most High.


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In prayer. Thank you. Blessings to all.

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