Perhaps I can illustrate the utter vapidity and illogic of Jason Lee by substituting some words in his money quote, which in its original form is:

"But as I studied the Bible, my view on that subject changed. I now believe that homosexual behavior is appropriate within the confines of a committed, loving, monogamous, lifelong, Christ-centered relationship. Essentially, I’m arguing that a Christ-centered marriage is a good thing, regardless of the gender of the people involved.”

Here is my subtle rewording:

"But as I studied the Bible, my view on that subject changed. I now believe that pedophilic behavior is appropriate within the confines of a committed, loving, monogamous, lifelong, Christ-centered relationship. Essentially, I’m arguing that a Christ-centered pedophilia is a good thing, regardless of the age of the people involved.”

See what I did there? It's so easy to merely state a proposition without evidence, like, "... as I studied the Bible, my view on that subject changed" and presto-chango, you have Biblical support for an anti-Biblical position. I would certainly like to know exactly what "Bible" he "studied" to come to his conclusion. I going out on a limb here to predict it's not the Bible that Christians recognize.

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Radical demon-crats are seeking to introduce into law, H.R.15, a bill misnamed the “Equality Act” that will unleash the most radical, anti-religious discrimination America has yet faced. Add your name to this urgent petition and please forward this to your concerned friends and family:


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Done and done!

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Jeff

Thanks, Steve! I suspect the "other purposes" of the heinous bill is homosexual pedophilia, which has always been the main objective for sodomites.

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Aug 15Liked by Jeff

Signed, added to mailing list, download the ebook. Thank you Walt.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15Liked by Jeff

So glad you recognized the danger and took action. Did you know that in the heading of that H.R. are contained the words: "AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES?" No where in the Bill does it state what those purposes may be. Here is the text of the Bill on congress . gov . . . .


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Aug 15Liked by Jeff

I’m all about fighting politically. Besides sack cloth and ashes, begging for forgiveness for my nation in prayer. Violence for change is out of the question. What’s left but this corrupted dirty political system , but, it’s all I have. Gods will , will be done, my responsibility is to do what I can. I just don’t like surrender, I don’t like giving up anytime, on anyone or anything. I like to fight anyway…

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The more one digs, the worse it gets...

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Jim, are we now again seeing, "ALL the men of the city, young and old, surrounding Lot's house?"

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Whited walls covering up their own besmirchment while attempting to hold up a tottering house of cards is a sight to behold....

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God bless you, Megan Basham, Allie Beth Stuckey, Jon Harris , Evangelical Dark Web ( Ray Fava)and every other Christian influencer, connecting the dots by exposing Satanic infiltration into the church. As rotten and ugly as it is. Making us look at this filth.

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Hateful LGBTQ adherents issue threats because of the ongoing Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis case, which looks very much like the case that could overturn the 2015 Obergefell decision. Give a listen here, folks, to find out why......

Key to the 15 minute mark for the meat of the issue:


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Jason, can you marry your dog? Are you cool with that too?

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He certainly is ok with that. If you're not ok with it, you are a hater and a bad person.

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