Sep 19Liked by Jeff

The rest of the world has stopped looking at that man for spiritual guidance as well as any other advice or guidance…

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Do as I say, not as I do….

Good thing I don’t listen to what the “Pope” says, but unfortunately there are millions of people who do. Undoubtedly statements like this are meant to influence his followers to vote against political candidates who want to curb illegal immigration.

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I guess they'll have to learn about illegal immigration the hard way.

Listen to the False Prophet at one's own risk and that of one's country.

🎯💥🔨, Jeff......yes, "Dont do as I do, do as I say."

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22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by Jeff

And worse yet, the treasonous act of letting 21,000,000 invade is going to be topped by having them all vote in the swing states.

Nevertheless, "Let the AMEN sound from His people again." "A short work will He make upon the earth."

"Stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.” Lk 21.28 Amplified Bible

Amen. So be it. Thy will be done.

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Once again, the Pope beclowns himself as he leads the faithful straight to Hell.

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Waiting for il Papa to throw open the gates in the wall around Vatican City and admit all those islamic migrants. Waiting. Waiting.

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So says the "man of sin."

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Dear Pope: It is a grave sin for one sets himself as a shepherd to misrepresent the Word of God.

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