All those millions will likely be a big liability on that day... better to be Lazarus who depended on scraps from the rich man's table... (Luke 16:21-31). Lift him up in prayer that he repent before it is too late.

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Jim, it's way too late for him. Just look at that face. He's demon possessed. I saw that decades ago and immediately thought there's something very wrong about this man.

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May God's will be done in what remains of Kennetb Copeland's life.......Those who greedily seek riches for themselves pierce themselves through with many sorrows. It hardens the heart when you consume your ill gotten gains on your own lusts like that.

The Bible is replete with all kinds of full on admonitions not pulling any punches regarding this

As a pastor, Copeland will be utterly without excuse

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I’m afraid he crossed a bridge of no return long long ago! This type have been given over to a reprobate mind! Like Walt mentioned….demons have taken up residence and are very much at home! “On some He shows mercy and others He hardens”….or sets in their way! And the older one gets the more cemented one becomes in their ways! Thank the Lord for His undeserved grace and mercy…any one of us could have become like this!

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Absolutely agree

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