The homosexual assault is but one of the areas where the previously commonly accepted norms of society are being "deconstructed." These norms were the foundational notions upon which social interactions in the Christian West were based. Although he confines his analysis to the attacks on Biblical creation, Ken Ham's comments are equally well applied everywhere else that these attacks have been mounted. That is, if you remove the foundation, the entire edifice is doomed to failure. That is the specific intent of the satanic left; to topple the prevailing structures of family specifically and sexual ethics in general. Their aspiration is to stand atop the rubble and become the masters over the rest of us. The satanic assemblage is composed of the perverts and degenerates who confuse license with freedom; they ignore the truth that everybody serves someone, either satan or God. They have chosen satan, whether wittingly or not. They are the ones of whom it was said that they would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven. They ignore the fact that the only ruler in hell is satan; all others there serve him, in pain and torment at the realization that there is no relief from their suffering for all eternity! So I feel a mixture of revulsion and pity for these lost, doomed souls, but realize that resistance to their agenda is required, both by Biblical command as well as simple self-preservation. We must not be cowed into submission, no matter how great the pressure to do so might be.

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On the Solid Rock of Christ I stand: All the rest round about is sinking sand. As Jim pointed out, this is spiritual war, and our weaponry is the full armor of God. Prayer celebrating our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer needs to become our priority. There isnt much else of consequence at this point. Babylon America and all the idolatrous, materialistic ungodly nonsense she has embraced and propagated is going to be going down in the Judgement of God that's falling. Turn back and look at it longingly at your own risk

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Very well said, Catherine. The choice: putting on the full armor of God(resist/fight/no cheering-on the sinners) vs. Participating in ANY way(joining the sinners/"supporting" LGBTQRS+++ people in their celebrations/NOT CONDEMING THE SIN).

The Decision: Saving your eternal soul vs. becoming a Pillar of Salt/Eternal Flames of Hell.

I've been praying daily for national repentance for almost a year, now. (I have an inkling of how the OT prophets felt...and a greater appreciation for their courage and perseverance).

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Beautiful. Thank you, Jim.

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Why are there so many sodomites and sodomy sympathizers in our land? Because Christians, in any given week, send their children to Sunday School for half an hour and to the pagan school system for 30hrs. Anytime we care to change this, we can change it. This is called repentance.

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Paul, in 2 Thessalonians, ch 2 called it "the mystery of iniquity." Mystery (NT Greet, μυστήριον--From a derivative of muo (to shut the mouth)

And, as we are seeing in our culture, hardly anyone says a word about it. There is next to no resistance.

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So, now we know WHY it is written, in Leviticus, that GOD decreed that they be put to death. It is a contagious, rampant infectious disease that spreads like wildfire.. One of the 2 angels in Lot's house had to blind them, or else they would have broken down the door.

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"a contagious, rampant infectious disease that spreads like wildfire." ~~~ a good vivid comparison to the behavioral scourge that is now in epidemic proportions all over the West.

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