Satan is behind all this evil. We as Christians need to stand up for God’s Truth through His Word The Bible and tell others of the Gospel!

We need to stand ready for Jesus’ return! Thank you for Your Salvation, Lord Jesus!

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These shooters are so young, and to be so cynical and depressed. The world system is bringing up a generation of semi functional monsters. I'd like to know why he did this. What was his world view. I just don't understand his motivation.

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I'd be interested to know if this killer, and some of the other recent ones were on SSRI or SNRI antidepressant meds. Or other categories of psych meds, for that matter. Some of the Homicidal and suicidal side effects of these cash cow drugs have been scrubbed from psychiatric websites, check it out. Some of these drugs were apparently taken by past mass murderers prior to their rampages, so it's a question that needs to be asked, but nobody's asking it, or if they are, they are met with deafening silence

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Yes, these drugs are a huge problem.

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The spiritual attitude, now adays is evil.

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