Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Jeff

Thank you, Jeff. Very well written! As I read it, I couldn't help but be so thankful I am retired from Civil Service. The only Boss I have, first and foremost, is GOD, and then my eBay customers.

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Amen, Jeff! Thank you.

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Let’s face it, having a Biblical worldview is no longer popular… but stand firm we must.

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You make it sound like people who adhere to Biblical sexual morality instead of a "DO WHAT THOU WILT" mentality have neverending problems and undergo constant harassment from today's uniworld culture. Kind of the way I imagine LOT and his FAMILY must have been. It is distressing just to see how so many are failing and falling.

However, dont forget that as believers we are under the care, grace, protection and mercy of the LORD so anything he allows into our lives is part of His Divine plan.

I would certainly much much rather experience all the consequences resulting from our obedience redounding to His Glory as opposed to the fallout from rebellion and disobedience that those suffer who choose to stay mired and lost amidst the idols of the material


Those who adhere to biblical standards of thought, behavior and action, in addition to all the blessings that accrue, will likely avoid the painful aftermath of the sins of abortion, adultery, pornography, domestic violence, promiscuity, serial broken unstable relationships, substance abuse, addiction etc., etc.,

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