Is Jesus a Republican?
It should self evidently go without saying to any reader of this site that the true Jesus Christ most assuredly is not and could not possibly be a Democrat. Or even hold them blameless who are. This has been true for a while, but that history is beyond the scope of this article.
What about Republican? The alleged conservative opposition party.
We’ll begin by assuming a certain level of orthodoxy and biblical acumen among the regular readers of this site and simply state that obviously, the second person of the eternal Godhead would never be an actual member of any earthly secular political party.
However, those who have been joined to Him, do by representation also join Him to whatever they join themselves to. In other words, as His ambassadors in the world, whatever they do, the world sees Him as doing through them. Rightly or wrongly.
So what about this? I unequivocally declare myself a disciple of Christ and a child of the one true God in Him. Can I then righteously join myself to the current Republican party?
This question is not as simple as it is with the Democrat party, but also not quite as complicated as some would have us believe.
Let’s take a look together at how we might apply the principles and precedents of God’s Word to this question.
We’ll start by recognizing that wherever politics and morality intersect (did I just say intersect? Lol) God has spoken in His Word. Either by precept, that is, an explicit command, or by precedent, which would be where we follow His response to an action or situation, even if He hasn’t directly addressed it.
In any political issue or situation wherein there is a moral component, there is God’s view, and all the wrong ones. A moral component would be where God’s Word and will is either upheld or violated depending on which ideology or position you adopt.
I’ll make the distinction between formal party membership, activism, and simply voting for Republican candidates.
I don’t think I can say with biblical authority that being a registered Republican is sin. I do believe I can say with considerable force that doing so is no longer wise. Despite their sometimes loud protestations to the contrary, today’s Republican party is no longer the bulwark of common grace moral conservatism and “family values” that it once at least tried to be. Certainly not at the federal level.
I’m not talking about personal integrity here, because regardless of all the smiles and high minded speech, pretty much all contemporary American politicians, of either party, would sell their mother for a campaign contribution. There may be a few with some tinges of conscience here or there, but their every action is calculated to gain and retain power. Even the ones who endorse policies that we should agree with, do so because they believe it will keep THEM in office. Find me somebody who will do what is “right” even if they believe it will cost them the next election.
Additionally, find me some who will say that homosexuality and gay “marriage” are always wrong and poisonous to this society. Even with all this trans-insanity, most Republicans take a very measured and politically calculated public view. Very, VERY few refuse to use somebody’s self deluded preferred pronouns for instance. You’ll find them regularly, either carefully crafting their speech to avoid pronouns altogether or referring to somebody with XY chromosomes as “her.”