World Cheers as Three Men in Gay Ménage à Trois Listed as Legal Parents of Children on Birth Certificates
Gay news outlets around the world are cheering as a judge in California ruled that three homosexual men in a polyamorous gay triangle can all three be legally listed on two children's birth certificates.
The three homosexuals recently appeared on Australia's The Morning Show to discuss their corrupt lifestyle and child abuse. These three men, Ian Jenkins, Alan Mayfield, and Jeremy Allen Hodges, according to news outlets, started practicing three-way sodomy nearly eight years ago. Then, things got real weird -- they found an egg donor and a surrogate mother.
The sad part here is that these poor children are nothing more than pawns for the perverted whims of these mentally-ill men. The kind of depravity that motivates someone to bring children into this kind of a sick lifestyle is the kind of depravity that forgoes all moral boundaries.
But worse, that the world around us celebrates this crap and props these men up as heroes does nothing except advance the end of human civility and rationality. Are there any logical, thinking human beings left in this world? They are certainly in the minority now.