WHO Official's Threats to Remove Family Members From Homes Illustrates Why We Have a Second Amendment
Dr. Michael Ryan, the executive director of the corrupt World Health Organization, recently explained to the world that due to the coronavirus health pandemic, governments around the world will need to start knocking on doors of households and removing family members by force and isolating them.
What Ryan apparently doesn't understand is that that isn't going to happen and such an action would likely cause far more death than this health pandemic could ever imagine. In fact, Ryan's idiotic comment demonstrates exactly the reason the founders of the United States of America wrote the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Many people are arguing that citizens, especially Christians, should just flop over and do what the government officials are telling us to do. But even from a Chrisitan perspective -- those who believe according to Romans 13 that we should render unto Caesar what belongs to him -- should look at this argument with deep suspicion.
As a matter of fact, "rendering unto Caesar" would actually require citizens, according to the Second Amendment, to take up arms in such a situation. It would be unlawful not to.
Simply because we as Christians believe that God is sovereign does not give us the right or the freedom to be indifferent to the means. We are required to pursue justice and we should outright reject the notion that we as Christians should submit to tyranny and an unjust government. Thank God for the Constitutional right -- and duty -- to take up arms and resist this kind of tyranny.