Whirlpool Puts Out Ad Depicting White Kids As Most Likely to Be Clowns and Dropouts
Undoubtedly, this is the most socially polarized time in American history. In an all-out war against what the left perceives to be "white supremacy," progressives have taken unprecedented steps to paint white people as public enemy number one.
The movement has grown so strong that even the Evangelical Church has taken brazen steps to wage war against "whiteness," labeling it "wickedness" and painting all white people as guilty of sin by the very virtue of their skin tone. Theologically liberal and even right-leaning seminaries are replete with the pursuit of social justice.
But the secular left -- largely through public advertising and anti-capitalist business venture -- has launched an outright campaign against anything and everything white, including young children.
Disguising the ad as a public service, Whirlpool recently published an advertisement that sequenced through videos of several young children from diverse ethnic backgrounds. There were Asain, black, Hispanic, and white children. Each of these children were labeled with a positive, successful predictive outcome in life except for the two white children. The first was labeled "most likely to be a comedian" and the second "most likely to drop out." The rest, doctors, cure cancer, be president, etc. White kids, not so much.
Can you say "woke"?