Violence is out of control in most cities, especially Democrat-controlled cities, and much of the violence is unexpected, unexplained, and usually unprosecuted. The shootings are typically done by adolescents, yet not one has been executed since it would be too traumatic for the public to see a trembling, weeping teen executed.
I would also be horrified to see a young person walk “the last mile” to the death room. He sobs, he shouts, he’s sorry, but he dies; and his deserved death could save thousands of innocent lives if a nation’s impressionable young people realize that they would forfeit their lives if they kill. Society is not ready or willing to have young people executed since that isn’t civilized; however, they are willing to continue permitting innocent people to be slaughtered in the name of civility.
And permit killers to grow old on death row.
Something must be done, and I have a partial answer. First, I must place my tongue firmly in cheek and then proceed with my solution to gun violence in America. While frivolous, it makes as much sense as our present policy.
It appears school leaders, church officials, prosecutors, police, and other officials have lost all common sense, or everyone is on drugs. Or maybe we now have a generation of uncaring adolescents reared by unprincipled parents, educated by unknowledgeable teachers, and impressed by unregulated social media to fulfill an elusive, temporary fame that will destroy them and our nation.
It seems everyone is pretending to stop gun violence without making the difficult decisions to solve or ameliorate the problem.
My solution makes as much sense as the current practice.
A 7-year-old student had the gall to use a pencil as a pretend gun, but a courageous school official quickly dealt with the threat by suspending the culprit. Another student was suspended for “shooting” fellow students with a pretend bow and arrow. Hey, those pretend bows can be dangerous.
Are you getting the point? Certified nuts are in places of authority.
In another dangerous incident, a first-grade teacher was suspended for “shooting” his students during recess. Still, another student was suspended for a year for pretending to throw a hand grenade—an explosive situation. That was a pretend grenade. The local sheriff was involved a couple of times, but no one went to jail.