Watch Bethel Church Students Violently Shake While Attributing These Blasphemous Acts to the Holy Spirit
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is the training extension of the cult known as Bethel Church in Redding, CA. If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel Redding, you’re aware they practice such things as grave sucking (or grave soaking) whereby people lay on the graves of dead people to “soak” the anointing from them.
They also put glitter in the air vents and, somehow, the people of the congregation are duped into believing that it’s a manifestation of the Holy Spirit floating around inside the sanctuary. And most recently, Bethel has been moving to fully embrace Roman Catholicism. It’s really weird stuff that you can read about at this link.
The charismatic movement as a whole is a false movement that ascribes personal emotional experiences to the Holy Spirit and, in many cases, manufactures false moves of God in order to manipulate people.
In this recent video, you can see Bethel Students shaking violently and acting as though they are under the influence of drugs. The mind-control and manipulation that takes place at this "church" is astonishing. The man in this video is Randy Clark of Bethel School of Healing and Impartation. Watch.