Virginia Bill Making it Illegal for Homosexuals to Seek Help From Christians on the Verge of Becoming Law
Christians believe that homosexuality is sinful and, according to the Constitution of the United States, religious beliefs are supposed to be protected. Nonetheless, several states have already passed laws making it illegal for people struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction to seek help from Christian resources -- including Christian counselors.
Dubbing the practice "conversion therapy," LGBTQ activists have branded Christian counseling as "harmful" and "barbaric." On the contrary, Christians believe the Scriptures actually speak to sinful lusts and issue a call to turn from them and turn to Christ.
However, a growing sect of progressive Evangelicals are also turning against the practice -- including Al Mohler and Russell Moore of the Southern Baptist Convention. Incidentally, they have deemed the idea that the Holy Spirit can change the hearts and minds of sinful people upon regeneration a lost cause and unworthy of attention.
In the wake of this affront against the work of the Holy Spirit, the practice is now being outlawed at an alarming pace and the State of Virginia appears to be next on the list of those who are banning the conversion therapy. Yesterday, the Virginia House overwhelmingly passed HB 386 which bans the practice for minors in the state and the Senate passed a similar bill on January 21.
Freedom of religion in this country is now a thing of the past. While radical leftists are fighting against the practice of Christian counseling for minors, these same people are up-in-arms screaming for the right to indoctrinate children into LGBTQ ideology in public schools while protecting the "rights" of drag queens to have access to preschool children in public libraries. Somehow, conversion therapy is "dangerous" and "barbaric" but perverted men dressed as women is safe and edifying.