Village Church Staff Member Uninvited From Graphics Conference Because of Church's Stance on LGBTQ
The LGBTQ mafia will stop at no ends to indoctrinate and enforce their ideology across all walks of life and will militantly oppose anyone who does not succumb to their agenda. To be fair, Matt Chandler's Village Church has much to be criticized for, but the world sees them as an enemy because they have not toed the line of absolute LGBTQ inclusion and celebration.
A staff member at one of Chandler's satellite locations in Flower Mound, TX has been disinvited from a secular conference that has absolutely nothing to do with religion or spirituality -- or even LGBTQ issues. None. David Roark is the communications director -- a non-pastoral staff position -- for the campus. Roark's career is in graphics and communications design and production.
But all of that doesn't matter. Simply by virtue of being a staff member at a church that doesn't (fully yet) celebrate homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviancy, the Circles Conference -- a three-day design and development conference scheduled Sept. 18-20 in Richardson, Texas -- disinvited Roark at the behest of a local group participating in the event who threatened to pull out if he remained in the speaker line-up. An open letter on their website states,
The Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of AIGA will not be partnering with Circles Conference this year, and our members deserve to know why.
The 2019 conference speaker roster includes the Communications Director of an organization that does not meet our standards of inclusion because of openly discriminatory policies and practices towards women and the LGBTQ+ community.
We have reached out to Circles’ organizers to voice our concerns; so far they have decided not to alter their programming. We feel it would be hypocritical of us to be involved in the conference and tacitly endorse the policies of any non-inclusive organization. This would be a misallocation of our membership resources and a disservice to all members of our community against whom the organization discriminates.
The decision to cease our partnership with the conference was not made lightly, and does not reflect any personal or professional animosity between us, the conference, or its organizers. We urge the organizers of Circles Conference to reconsider including representatives of discriminatory organizations in their programming. When they do, we will be happy to reconsider our position.The Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of AIGA will not be partnering with Circles Conference this year, and our members deserve to know why.The 2019 conference speaker roster includes the Communications Director of an organization that does not meet our standards of inclusion because of openly discriminatory policies and practices towards women and the LGBTQ+ community.
We have reached out to Circles’ organizers to voice our concerns; so far they have decided not to alter their programming. We feel it would be hypocritical of us to be involved in the conference and tacitly endorse the policies of any non-inclusive organization. This would be a misallocation of our membership resources and a disservice to all members of our community against whom the organization discriminates.
The decision to cease our partnership with the conference was not made lightly, and does not reflect any personal or professional animosity between us, the conference, or its organizers. We urge the organizers of Circles Conference to reconsider including representatives of discriminatory organizations in their programming. When they do, we will be happy to reconsider our position.
The Circles Conference responded to AIGA's open letter and agreed to disinvite Roark, stating, "After serious consideration, we have made a speaker change. We respect the concerns of the design community and aim to create a safe space for everyone who attends Circles Conference, regardless of their individual world views or beliefs." [Emphasis mine]
Of course, the only worldview or belief that isn't respected is a biblical Christian worldview or belief. In other words, you can believe and practice whatever you like, so long as it isn't derived from Scripture, because, if it is, you're not welcome here.