Veggie Tales Creator Suggests People Who Want Their Kids to Go to Good Schools are Wicked
Veggie Tales creator and popular songwriter and speaker, Phil Vischer, has, like most American Evangelicals, been given over to the gospel of woke. The gospel of woke is essentially a remake of the old social gospel heresy -- known as Rauschenbuschism -- into the modern context of racialism and is exegeted through the lens of Critical Race Theory.
One of the tenets of this false gospel is the Marxist idea of "systemic injustice" and its application in "tearing down" "systems" and "hierarchies" in order that the "disadvantaged" can be put on level playing ground with the "advantaged." (I apologize for all of the scare quotes, but since all of these notions are rejected in Scripture, they must be added.)
In a recently surfaced video, Vischer is interviewed and discussing this idea with the host. It is abundantly clear that those given to this movement have an extremely flawed and unbiblical idea of what biblical justice is as they have turned it into something completely foreign to the Scriptures. Their idea of justice and righteousness is a form of communal social and economic equity whereas biblical justice is clearly individualistic; an eye for an eye.
This is when Vischer then suggests that by wanting his kids to go to a good school where they can be "advantaged," then that makes him "wicked" and "unrighteous" for "disadvantaging" the community and not looking out for the "common good."
"I love my kids, so I want them to be advantaged. Is that different than saying I love myself, so I want myself to be advantaged? Am I disadvantaging my community for the advantage of my own family. Does that put me in the Biblical definition of righteous or wicked?"