Todd White Says Jesus Didn't Defeat Satan as God But as a Man, This Puts Us on Par With Jesus
Todd White is a rank heretic -- there are no two ways about it. Todd White not only teaches prosperity theology but is a fake faith healer who practices such parlor tricks as leg-lengthening.
White is a close associate of Francis Chan whom Chan has labeled a "great man of God." But Todd White is nothing more than a ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing who is deceiving many and leading them astray.
A popular heresy among charismatic false teachers is little-god theology -- or the belief that we as humans carry within us the potential to become God or become divine like God. This is not only a heresy found among charismatics, however, but it is also the underlying teaching of Mormonism -- that our future as believers are to partake in the divinity of God and become gods ourselves.
The Roman Catholic Church also teaches this, as it states in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men godsCCC, Second Edition, Section 2, Chapter 2, Article 3, Paragraph I, I:460)
But what Todd White teaches in the video below takes little-god theology to a whole new level. He not only claims that men can become like God. He also says that Jesus did not defeat Satan as God, therefore, this puts us -- human beings -- on par with Jesus.