I don't know the details. What I do know is this. It is undeniable and Crystal clear from Genesis to Revelation that when God's covenant people upon who he has put his name push him far enough, he will crush them back into submission by any means necessary.
And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters, and everyone shall eat the flesh of his neighbor in the siege and in the distress, with which their enemies and those who seek their life afflict them. —Jeremiah 19:9
When I read this, I'm pretty sure nothing is off the table as far as God's discipline and judgment being poured out even on those who claim His name. It's easy to point the finger at everybody else too. Of course, God is furious about people calling themselves Christians while supporting child sacrifice and the perversion of his ancient covenant of marriage and sexuality.
In Hebrews 12 we are told and no uncertain terms that God brings discipline and chastisement to his own people, the word, scourging, is used, the same word as to when Jesus was scourged. He says that he does this so that we may be partakers of His holiness—personal holiness. He says that it is painful during the time of discipline but the end thereof is the peaceable fruit of righteousness.
God is not only furious at obvious heretics and false converts, He is just as furious at orthodox professing believers who are pickled in the love of the world and the things they're involved in as he is at the abortion-promoting perversion-promoting heretics. Maybe even more so, because they have less excuse. It's not just supporters of abortion and homosexuality that I'm talking about. Those are the easy ones. I'm talking about the Brett McCrackens and Jeff Overstreets of the world—those who push that morally decomposing Hell-hole in Hollywood as a healthy Christian Liberty. And the people who are more concerned about their 401K than they are about his glory.
I don't know if this is the great apostasy from biblical prophecy, but it definitely is an apostasy, and a very great one indeed.
The Church is called the bride of Christ for a reason. In Ephesians 5, we read that glorious description of the covenant marriage relationship and Paul sums it up by saying that the whole thing is an illustration of Christ's relationship with His Church. His bride is a whore-mongering spiritual slut, and the entire book of Hosea is an object lesson in how God views that.