In the modern landscape of American Christianity, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) finds itself grappling with internal conflicts that reveal the troubling infiltration of leftist ideologies. A prime example is the dual alignment of some Southern Baptist churches with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), a group that epitomizes the complete and total apostasy from biblical truth.
The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship emerged in the early 1990s as a reactionary movement against the Conservative Resurgence within the SBC. This Resurgence aimed to return the SBC to a firm commitment to biblical inerrancy and conservative theology. In contrast, the CBF was birthed from a rejection of these conservative principles, embracing a more liberal theology that has only grown more progressive over time.
From its inception, the CBF has championed leftist causes that staunchly oppose biblical teachings on essentially everything. This organization has not only supported the ordination of women pastors but has also moved towards full inclusion of homosexuals and other sexual deviants and even advocates for abortion rights.
This trajectory is a radical departure from orthodox Christian doctrine and a surrender to the secular, progressive agenda that is increasingly pervasive in society. Today, many Southern Baptist churches, including former Executive Committee president, Jonathan Howe’s church, are dually aligned with both the SBC and the CBF.
Here is a recent email sent out by the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (AWAB), a division of the CBF, that demonstrates just how far this organization has gone on the same trajectory as other apostate denominations such as the United Methodist Church and the PCUSA: