An Open Letter to Christians Struggling With Sexual Addictions
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I want to pour my heart out about something. This is a hard pill to swallow, but if we do not realize this truth we may never find the freedom we have in Christ.
It’s not the porn industry’s fault that you watch porn, it’s yours. It’s you who types into the search engine. It’s you who closes all the doors and makes sure no one is home. It is you who clears all the search history when you are finished satisfying your desires. It is your sin. Period.
Sure, do the models and producers take a cup of the blame for providing the sin? Of course. However, ultimately it is because of your own lustful heart that you watch what they post. Yet you are not alone. I think of all the times I blamed my sin on others when really it was my own heart that needed to change. It’s not until we realize that we are not victims but perpetrators that we can find freedom. This is not a war with a sickness but with the corpse of the Old Man. And instead of burying the dead man we have brought him to our bed.
Brothers and sisters, bury the corpse.
Let us put on the New Man. By the power of the Holy Spirit let us kill our sin and renounce the foolish works of darkness. Let us stop making excuses and passing the blame to whoever we can to feel innocent. Truth be told, none of us are innocent, that’s why all of us need Jesus.
Stand boldly for our new Lord and King Jesus who paid the hell we deserve on that cross only to be raised three days later for our justification. Looking to Him as our Lord, let us denounce the old principle that ruled us and live by a new principle.
This ultimately is a work of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who works in us to will and to work for His good pleasure (Phil 2:13). It is walking in the Spirit that enables us to resist the flesh (Gal 5:16). Read Gods Word, pray with all your might until God changes your heart. We have no power but the power that comes from God. No free-will to stand on. Yet we have the hope that God’s will for us is to wash us clean from the filth of sexual sin (1 Thess 4:1-5, 1 Cor 6:11). I am hoping that God will use even this article to convict you and change your heart.
If you are living in sexual sin, whether it be porn, fornication, or even pushing boundaries with your girlfriend/boyfriend then please repent and turn to Christ. Turn to Jesus and hope in what He has done and flee sexual immorality (1 Cor 7:1-5).
I can tell you there is freedom in Christ.
We recommend the following audiobook for those struggling with this sin, or those who know someone who is struggling with this sin.