Steven Furtick Preaches Panentheism Heresy, That God is Made of Matter and Fills All Things
Steven Furtick is more than just a false teacher. He is a demonic liar, a deceiver, and if anything, more like Satan than any angel of light he masquerades as -- and he think's he's Jesus. He preaches a false prosperity gospel and bilks his congregation for money. He has made absurd claims about not only the Scriptures but God himself such as claiming that God reflects his image (rather than man reflecting God’s image), that without man, God is just an abstract concept, and denies God’s sovereignty over His own plans. And just last week, he embraced the heresy of his close associate, T.D. Jakes — modalism.
Far be it from Steven Furtick to continue to daily add to his list of heresies and recently, he has done just that. In a sermon he recently preached, Furtick declares that God is "energy" and that he is a "molecular structure that fills all in all" -- then proceeds to assert that this is what it means that Jesus was "there from the beginning."
This heresy, known as Panentheism, is a new-age mystic concept that has far more in common with Hinduism and Eastern mystic cults than anything remotely close to Scripture. The concept that God is "energy" or that He is a "molecular structure" of any sort implies that He is part of the created universe which is made of matter and energy. This is in opposition to the very first verse in Scripture, Genesis 1:1: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. That would include all matter and energy, obviously.
But we shouldn't expect Steven Furtick to actually preach something from Scripture.