Sprite Puts Out Disgusting Commercial Depicting a Teenage Boy "Transitioning" Into a Girl
When you think the big corporate push for a sexual revolution couldn't get any worse, think again. The LGBTQ mafia which is controlled by the corporate elites has continued to stay on the bleeding edge of sexual immorality and Sprite is at the front of the line.
Sprite recently released a commercial in Argentina depicting a teenage boy bundling up and transitioning into a girl. The commercial shows graphic images of the child's body while he changes into girl's clothes, puts on a wig, and paints himself up.
Another segment shows a teenage lesbian girl doing the extremely dangerous practice of binding her breasts -- with another girl actually helping her tighten it.
Ten years ago, this commercial would have sparked outrage across the world and would not have been allowed, but now, this is celebrated like it's the greatest thing to happen to the world since sliced bread. It is clearly an indication that the world is being given over to sin and under the judgment of God.