Sexually Confused 'Transgender' Male is Who is Leading Pennsylvania's Coronavirus Battle Efforts
You would think that during a time of extreme crisis, you'd want to select the best qualified, most knowledgeable experts to handle that crisis. During the coronavirus pandemic, it seems logical that the public would want the greatest scientific and medical minds that we have available to help us conduct biological warfare against a deadly enemy that we can't see.
Instead, Pennsylvania is heralding as their foremost medical expert someone who can't even figure out if they're a man or a woman -- despite the overwhelming scientific and medical evidence that XY chromosomes = male.
The Advocate reports,
Dr. Rachel Levine serves as Pennsylvania's secretary of health. She and Gov. Tom Wolf have been praised for the Keystone State's response to the COVID-19 epidemic. In the past few weeks, these officials have worked swiftly to enact necessary measures like closing public schools and rolling out stay-at-home orders in order to stem the spread of the virus.
What one must ask here is how insane does the public have to be to be okay with an anti-science anti-medicine public official running the medical mission to combat the largest medical crisis the world has seen in modern history? This is who is behind the state's plan to enact social-distancing orders and public gathering limitations -- including churches.
Of course, he wants churches closed, his greatest enemy is the Word of God. Meanwhile, abortion clinics in Pennsylvania remain open for business. In fact, the state legislature actually wants to fund Planned Parenthood with 3 million dollars of tax-payer money to keep them in business during the crisis.