SBC Seminary Professor Says He Had to Embrace Another Gospel to "Keep His Faith"
The Apostle Paul was adamantly clear when he said "even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8)." Sadly, the progressive wing of Evangelicalism have completely twisted the gospel into what Paul calls "another gospel," and says that it is "no gospel at all."
For the "woke," however, this other gospel is a gospel of social justice and social activism. It is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to save sinners from the wrath of God, but a gospel that brings temporal relief of social suffering -- suffering they believe that mankind doesn't deserve.
For Walter Strickland, a professor and Associate Vice President for Diversity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary -- one of the most prestigious Southern Baptist seminaries -- has admitted that he's had to embrace this false gospel in order to keep his faith.
Here, in Strickland's stunning admission, he asserts that his gospel -- as opposed to the "white" man's gospel -- is the gospel that caused him to keep his faith. Sadly, it appears that Strickland doesn't understand the gospel and has instead embraced the gospel that will deceive and damn so many people eternally.