SBC Pastor Tells Church Member They’re in Generational Racial Sin Because of His Last Name?
Racism exists, nobody in their right mind denies this. But the narrative that is coming out of the Evangelical "racial reconciliation" movement is outright heresy -- and it's being promulgated from some of the most influential and prestigious Southern Baptist seminaries in the nation.
The movement we see in the Evangelical Church today is not rooted in reality -- it's rooted in a secular Marxist worldview called Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a heretical worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.
CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in such a manner as to protect and preserve “white supremacy” in our culture. Further, CRT does not rely on factual statistics or objective evidence to support the theory, rather it relies on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.
Reformation Charlotte has reported numerous times on the leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention who are fully on board with this movement, including Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Both of these seminaries have been instrumental in mainstreaming this secular thought into Evangelicalism.
Below is a clip from an upcoming documentary, Enemies Within the Church, where a church member details being told by a Southern Baptist pastor -- who also worked at Southeastern Seminary -- told him that he was in generational sin because his ancestors at some point in history owned the ancestors of another family in the congregation who shared the same last name. Below is just an excerpt and we expect more details to be revealed when the documentary is released.