David Hughes, the “pastor” of SBC Megachurch, Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, has turned this “church” into nothing short of a circus. Instead of feeding souls with the gospel, as usual, they were more concerned with putting on a show. When a church trades the pulpit for a stage and the Bible for theatrics, you know you’ve completely lost it in terms of what church should be.
This past Sunday, Church by the Glades reached a new low by "worshiping" to Mariah Carey’s insipid and overplayed holiday jingle, "All I Want for Christmas Is You." Yes, the same mind-numbing, headache-inducing, overplayed tune blasted through every shopping mall and car commercial in December was deemed suitable as a worship offering to God. If the goal was to make the worship of Christ indistinguishable from the clamor of a secular holiday playlist, mission accomplished.