What is The Dissenter?
Reformation Charlotte began in 2018 as a group of guys who were passionate about Evangelism, Theology, and Apologetics. While the name, Reformation Charlotte, has come to be known primarily as a conservative Christian blog, it didn’t begin that way. Originally, it was the news website for our apologetics group.
Since then, we’ve come to believe that a parachurch ministry was not necessary for the type of Evangelism work we did, and we simply worked on mission under the guidance of our local church. But the blog remained and morphed over time into a well-known internationally recognized and trusted news source.
This is why we decided that instead of a localized name like Reformation Charlotte, which is named after the city we lived, worked, and evangelized in, our blog needed a more widely accepted name that reflects the type of journalistic work we do here. Interestingly, that name has become The Dissenter.
We chose The Dissenter not out of spite or purposeful intention to actually dissent from fellow brothers and sisters, but because we found that much of what calls itself the Church today is actually not the Church. Therefore, we dissent from much of the mainstream Evangelical circus masquerading as the true Bride of Christ and we consistently report accurately, truthfully, and boldly to the best of our ability.
Our goal is not to be contentious, but to see that the Word of God goes forth. The Word of God is controversial enough and we do not believe that we need to add to it for it to be effective. We believe that when the Word of God goes forth, it accomplishes God’s purpose. Therefore, we seek to be obedient in advancing good doctrine, exposing error and bad doctrine, and equipping believers to practice discernment in their own daily walk.
Under our new name, all links that pointed to Reformation Charlotte’s domain (reformationcharlotte.org) will redirect to the new domain that we have been sitting on for quite a while: DISNTR.com. All of our past work still exists and can be found on the new site. And we will continue to own and maintain the old domain name so that all links posted in the past will continue to redirect to the new links on the new site.
And, as always, we will continue to offer exclusive, ad-free content at our Substack site to our subscribers and supporters which can be found at https://thedissenter.substack.com. Here, you will get exclusive access to timely posts that Big Tech disallows, along with full access to our podcast archives.
We thank all of you for your patronage and hope to see you at