Prominent Southern Baptist Leader and Pastor Supports Defunding the Police
By now, you're probably aware of the chaos and complete and total destruction of several of America's major cities and smaller cities in the wake of leftist attacks against the nation's institution of law and order. As violent crime ramps up, Evangelical-supported movements -- such as Black Lives Matter -- the calls from progressives to defund and even, in some places, completely eliminate agents of law enforcement are gaining momentum.
Professional Evangelical race-baiters have been pushing a Marxist agenda for several years. Reformation Charlotte has covered this topic extensively. Particularly, from progressive outlets such as The Gospel Coalition and The Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, a movement to promote Critical Race Theory as a "gospel issue" -- essentially a replacement of the gospel -- has become one of the driving themes in Southern Baptist churches.
If you've followed us, you've seen us report on one prominent Southern Baptist leader and pastor, Thabiti Anyabwile, and covered the radical leftism that he promotes not only from his pulpit, but through his influence as a leader in the denomination. Anyabwile has used his platform to hijack the pro-life movement and turn it into a racial social justice movement that calls for slave reparations and the subjugation of white people. Anyabwile recently led his church, Anacostia River Church in Washington D.C. on a march alongside these violent racial groups.
Thabiti Anyabwile is an outspoken supporter of the movement as is Jemar Tisby, founder and CEO of The Witness — a progressive pro-abortion sub-Christian ministry that serves no other purpose than to promote Democrat politics. Yet, men like Thabiti continually align themselves with the godless to promote these ideologies. In fact, Thabiti has essentially renounced his faith to stand with the racialized movement.
Now, to make matters worse, Thabiti Anyabwile is promoting the idea to defund the police -- the far left anarchist movement born out of his call to stand with people of his same skin melanin count over and above the blood of Christ.
Discerning Christians already understand, and have understood for a while, that Thabiti Anyabwile is not a godly pastor or even a Christian man, but a heretic. The Scriptures are clear about those who support this lawlessness:
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? -- 2 Cor 6:14