Pope Francis Tells Muslims “Faith in God Unifies Us”
Pope Francis recently took a trip to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), an Islamic State in the Middle East where renouncing your Islamic faith is illegal.
In a video message to the UAE people, Francis expressed solidarity with them as a result of their “faith in God.”
Dear people of the United Arab Emirates, Salam aleikum, peace be upon you. Faith in God unifies, not divides, bringing people closer even with their differences, while keeping them away from hostilities and aversion.
The video can be seen below:
Of course, this is not the first time the pope has declared that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Back in 2015, the pope declared this,
Pope Francis, who called the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar his “brother” says he “invites all persons who have faith in God and faith in human fraternity to unite and work together.”
In this document, he makes an ecumenical call for people of all faiths to join hands to save the world through “creation care,” a term coined by and popularly used by Southern Baptist ethicist, Russell Moore.
Faith leads a believer to see in the other a brother or sister to be supported and loved. Through faith in God, who has created the universe, creatures and all human beings (equal on account of his mercy), believers are called to express this human fraternity by safeguarding creation and the entire universe and supporting all persons, especially the poorest and those most in need.
The pope is an empty suit, not only politically, but religiously. He’s a Communist acting on behalf of the socialist elites who involves himself in worldwide politics whoring himself to world leaders when what he should be doing is repenting and believing in Jesus Christ.
With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.”
Revelation 17:2