PCUSA Policy Places "Trans" Boys in Girls Cabins and Showers at Camps and Blames Girls If They Don't Like It
There’s an old saying about foxes guarding henhouses. It turns out the Presbytery of Western North Carolina has taken that metaphor and cranked it up to eleven, not just letting the foxes guard the chickens, but setting up a cozy little Airbnb for them right inside the coop. Because, in their infinite wisdom, they’ve decided that teenage boys—sorry, “girls”—should bunk with actual girls at youth retreats.
What could possibly go wrong?
The policy, officially titled the Child & Youth Protection Policy—because irony is dead—was adopted in 2020 and claims to create a “safe and secure environment for children and youth.” But in what world does throwing girls into an overnight cabin with a boys pretending to be girls constitute safety? This isn’t protection, it’s ideological insanity masquerading as inclusivity.
This document, which reads like it was drafted in the gender studies department of a failing liberal arts college, explicitly states that “transgender youth will be allowed to sleep in the room according to their gender identity.”
And just to drive the lunacy home, it adds: “While it is not required that a parent inform presbytery staff about a transgender or gender non-conforming youth participant, the Associate for Youth of the presbytery is available for such a conversation in order to aid the child in having a positive experience.”
Translation: we’re going to put biological males in female sleeping quarters, and parents? You don’t really need to know about it.
But it gets worse. If a young girl, who has been raised with the antiquated notion that privacy and safety matter, feels uncomfortable sharing a sleeping space or bathroom with a boy, well, she’s the problem. According to the policy, “If another participant expresses discomfort with sharing space with an LGBTQ youth, that person can use a separate, private space.”
In other words, if your daughter objects to waking up next to a boy who insists he’s a girl, she can go exile herself elsewhere. Her safety? Her dignity? Her right to basic privacy? Expendable. The only thing that matters is appeasing the woke priests of inclusivity.