PCA Puts Out "Racial Reconciliation" Study Calling on PCA to Embrace Reverse Discrimination
The Presbyterian Church (PCA) General Assembly has released a "racial reconciliation" study conducted in conjunction with LifeWay -- a Southern Baptist entity -- that calls on PCA to embrace affirmative action and reverse discrimination against white people to advance their "woke" ideology.
The study is tainted with Marxist roots -- particularly, Critical Race Theory -- and advances a theme that has become mainstream in Evangelical denominations.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in such a manner as to protect and preserve “white supremacy” in our culture. Further, CRT does not rely on factual statistics or objective evidence to support the theory, rather it relies on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.
On page 2424 of the study, the following recommendation was made by the research group detailing how to get more minorities involved in strategic positions within the denomination.
Another suggestion for presbyteries is to become more intentional in developing and recruiting minority candidates for gospel ministry. When churches have staff openings, presbytery leaders can work to place minority pastoral candidates in those churches. Further, when there is church planting within the presbytery, the presbytery should encourage multi23 ethnic intentionality in that planting. When churches experience numerical decline because of transitioning neighborhoods, presbyteries should press those churches not to abandon their locations, but rather reshape their ministries to reach the neighborhood and so become more diverse racially. Likewise, when there is opportunity to start an RUF campus ministry, priority should be given to historically black colleges and universities where there is opportunity to reach a more diverse people group with the gospel.
Of course, this is just par for the course. Let's not be concerned about whether or not the candidate is biblically qualified for the position. As woke Critical Race Theory apologist, Bradly Mason asserts -- "that's racist."
A while back, notable Southern Baptist pastor and racial activist, Matt Chandler preached a sermon stating that he would hire an African American 7 over an Anglo 8 for a staff position at his church. However, he said if the African American was a 6, go with the Anglo because otherwise, it would be "tokenism" and he preaches against that kind of stuff.
So, Chandler gets to arbitrarily decide how far apart the Anglo and the African American have to be that constitutes "tokenism." Got it? Good. Watch.
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I hope and pray that everyone sees exactly what is going on here. Critical Race Theory is another religion and these people are preaching another gospel.