Pat Robertson Rejects Biblical Creation on 700 Club Show, Says it's "Nonsense"
Pat Robertson is a charismatic false teacher and founder of CBN and the popular show, The 700 Club who has over the years advanced many false prophecies and false teachings over his nearly 6-decade ministry. Interestingly, Pat Robertson believes he can "bind up" hurricanes and put up "storm defense shields" and that God speaks directly to him, but God can't create the universe in 6 days.
In a recent episode of The 700 Club, Robertson answers a caller's question regarding the creation account in Scripture, denying the literal account, and affirming what modern anti-Christian evolutionists have propagandized.
Well, the truth is that you know, the dinosaurs were extinct maybe 200, or 100, or 50 — excuse me, I’ll get it right, about 50 billion years ago. [Note: Common Evolution Theory teaches that it was 65 million years.] And this planet has gone much longer than that. There’s a course that they were trying to hustle around called “Creation Science.” It was just nonsense. And it was so embarrassing. So we wanted to make sure we told the truth.
You know, this universe that we live in is… 14 billion years old. And there’s no question about it. And we have tremendous geological records and all the rest of it. And that 6,000-year stuff just doesn’t compute.
But we as Christians need to know the truth… There are about a billion trillion stars outside of our Sun in the universe. It’s huge! So let’s give God credit for what He did and not try to limit him to 6,000 years.