Parents Beware, Drag Queens Are Grooming Your Children in Schools, Afterschools, and Summer Camps Too
We've been warning about the sexually explicit and perverted Drag Queen child-grooming program that has been hitting public libraries across the nation and even around the world. Drag Queen Story Hour is a program where men who dress like women come into public spaces and spend time grooming children into their sexually perverse world. For some reason, some parents have found it appropriate to expose their children to this, which, under any circumstances in a sane society, should be considered child abuse.
Several of these cross-dressing clowns have been charged with sexual crimes -- even convicted -- yet, the program continues to gain popularity. Whether it be drag queens teaching 5-year-olds how to twerk, or grown men lying on the floor cuddling with little children, there is no denying that only a sick and twisted society would allow this to happen.
Drag Queen Story Hour touts itself a positive thing for kids, yet anyone in their right mind knows better. Sadly, many people are no longer in their right minds. Their website says,
Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.
The program is not limited to public libraries, however. Parents, you must be aware that this sexually deviant intrusion into public life is not merely voluntary -- you don't have to take your kids to a public library to see them. They are in public schools, afterschool programs, and summer camps too. And they have chapters in cities all over the United States.

It's in your back yard, folks. Don't be surprised if your children haven't already been exposed to this without your knowledge. Here is a list of current chapters with the email addresses of the organizers of each chapter.
Berlin, Germany
Boston, MA
Cleveland, OH
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, IL
Colorado (Northern)
Danbury, CT
El Paso, TX
Greenfield, MA
Hampton Roads, VA
Hamtramck, MI
Ithaca, NY
Long Island, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Malmo, Sweden
Miami, FL
Milwaukee, WI
Mobile, AL
Great Falls, MT
New Hampshire
New Orleans, LA
New York, NY
North New Jersey
Oklahoma, OK
Palm Springs, CA
Portland, OR
Puerto Rico
Reading, PA
Rockland County, NY
Tacoma, Washington
Trenton, MI
San Francisco, CA
San Marcos, TX
Tampa Bay, FL
Tennessee (Middle)
Tokyo, Japan
Washington, DC
Westchester, NY