New TurboTax Commercial Features Homosexual Couple Filing Joint Taxes After Buying House Together
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but America is not a Christian nation by any stretch of the imagination. As much as I would like to see this nation turn from her collective blasphemy, I simply do not see it happening. Collectively, America is nothing more than a modern-day version of Sodom and Gomorrah, replete with the exact same sins that sent judgment on those two cities and deserving of the same fate.
I was recently pointed to a commercial for TurboTax. I use TurboTax to file my own taxes and have done so nearly my entire adult life. What I saw in this commercial, while not surprising, was shockingly disgusting and is emblematic of the judgment on this nation for her rebellion against God. Romans 1 tells us that the ultimate judgment on a society that has turned its back on God is being "given over" to sexual immorality. And that's exactly what this commercial featured—two homosexual men trying to figure out how to file their taxes jointly (like a married couple) after purchasing a house together.
America owns this. America has embraced more types of sexual perversions–from…
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