New "The Simpsons" Episode Depicts Bible as Racist, Sexist, and Promoting Sexual Abnormalities
The Simpsons is the longest-running television series in history and is now on its 31st season. For many of us, The Simpsons used to be a weekly family event that we looked forward to that coupled a little bit of dirty humor (but not too dirty) with some good old-fashioned life lessons. Those days are over.
Now, The Simpsons is nothing more than another propaganda outlet for liberals, progressives, gays, and other socially aberrant people who wish to pour out their anti-Christian religious beliefs on society to aid in its normalization.
In a recent episode of The Simpsons, the show took another leap into the darkside by portraying the Bible as a racist and sexist book that promotes sexual abnormality. Interestingly, the people who portray the Bible this way are the ones who actually indulge in the lifestyle.
Below is a still clip from the episode titled Warrin' Priests Part 2 which aired on May 3, 2020.