New Confederacy Forming, Join Texas Lawsuit to Fight Election Fraud in Four States
Early Tuesday morning, the nation learned that the Great State of Texas filed a lawsuit directly in Supreme Court against four states, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, which appear to be riddled with election fraud following the November 3 presidential election. The lawsuit argues that the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over matters involving one or more states.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton argues that several changes to election procedures during the coronavirus pandemic in those states violated federal law, and asks the U.S. Supreme Court to block the states from voting in the Electoral College.
By the end of the day, several other states joined the lawsuit including Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota. While this isn't exactly the original Confederate States of America which fought aganist the North during the civil war, it does resemble the "states rights" movement of the old Confederate South which led to the split in the Union.
These key conservative states joining the lawsuit are just the beginning of this movement. There are currently more red states than blue states. If more conservative states join this lawsuit, this could be very bad for the Democrats. There will be no doubt that these states are on the right side this time.