Mike Huckabee Threatens to Rebuke John Piper for "Impaired Thought" on Anti-Trump Piece
Last week, well-known Evangelical preacher and author, John Piper wrote a scathing hit piece against Donald Trump comparing his personal immorality to abortion -- even asserting that Trump was more deadly than Planned Parenthood.
An obviously logically flawed and biblically impaired line of reasoning, Piper concluded that Christians should have the freedom of conscience to vote for whoever they wish without retribution or fear of offending God. His conclusion, however, was stupid -- and many have called him out on it.
Among those who've called him out are Former Southern Baptist Pastor and former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee. Huckabee pointed out the "impaired thought process" employed by John Piper in coming to his conclusion then called on Piper to repent. He also threatened to rebuke him so that he could be "restored and refreshed."