Matt Maher Says Catholics and Other Denominations Worshiping Together Represents Heaven
Matt Maher is a Roman Catholic idolater that, for some reason, Evangelical Christians have latched on to as one of their own. I've written before that Matt Maher is not saved and that we need to stop singing his music in church. Matt Maher is a bridge-builder between Catholic idolaters and Evangelical Christians through his music.
There is a vast ecumenical movement where Rome is trying to undermine the true Church of Jesus Christ and lure people away from the faith into the cult of Catholicism. Matt Maher is desperately trying to play the pope's hand in this movement. But he isn't the only one -- Francis Chan has been holding hands with Rome, too.
But Matt Maher is a favorite in Evangelic churches -- Sunday mornings are often met with one of Maher's greatest hits, Lord I Need You and he travels and composes songs with other popular CCM artists like Matt Redman.
In a recent interview, however, Maher explains that his entire music ministry is centered around uniting Catholics and Evangelicals together, saying that it represents Heaven.
Division is something very real in the world that we live in today and it’s not just division in the Church,” Maher said. “But what’s interesting is that when the Church prays together, even a divided Church, Catholics and all these different denominations of Christians and non-denominational Christians, when we come together and when we’re able to pray together and worship God together in public, we’re creating a visible sign of that unity that will exist in Heaven. There’s only one Church in Heaven.
Of course, Scripture categorically rejects that there will be unrepentant idolaters in Heaven.
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10