Maryland Abortion Clinic Offers Photos and Remembrance With Murdered Child
One of the prevailing arguments against the pro-life movement by abortion activists is that "it isn't a baby, it's just a fetus." One must then wonder why a Maryland abortion clinic is offering photos of their murdered child along with other items of remembrance to aid in emotional and spiritual recovery after the termination.
Just when you thought that the depraved minds of abortionists couldn't be any sicker, LeRoy Carhart of does just this. Carhart, in a brochure offered to prospective clients, Carhart makes no qualms about admitting the murdered baby is, well, a baby, even offering funeral service referrals.
What the brochure says is maddening -- these people are absolutely delusional beyond any sound reason whatsoever.
Many patients request a remembrance of their baby to take home with them. The following lists items and services that some of our patients have found helpful in their emotional recovery. Every family approaches this experience with their own unique emotional, spiritual, and cultural background. There is no right or wrong way, just “your way”. Once the process of healing has begun, you may want to consider a token of the precious time with you and your baby had together. All of these features of our program will be discussed with you while you are with us.
Photographs with your corpse after "delivery"? You can hold your dead corpse you just murdered? Cremation and funeral services? A remembrance certificate?
One can only wonder if this is a sick joke, but it isn't. This is real and this is the delusional mind of the pro-abortion industry. That one can openly admit that they're carrying a child, murder it, then act as though they've lost someone close to them.
Folks, you better be prepared, because the liberal left isn't going to stop until its legal to murder any child at any age that a parent does not want to take care of.