Lowes Goes Woke: Resist White Christmas, Black Santa Next to Gay Christmas Tree
Woke is all the rage these days. Who would've known that in the day of intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and LGBTQ activism that a black Santa would team up with a gay Christmas tree to oppose "white Christmas."
Disclaimer, this is mildly satirical, but the photo is real.
Of course, that's just a mockery of what happened in one Lowes store whose picture is floating around on social media.
Of course, we're not going to make an issue out of a black Santa -- despite the fact that the historical St. Nicholas was a Greek in Asia Minor. The "white Santa" portrayed today is nothing more than a European cultural tradition. Nothing against the black Santa other than the fact that Lowes' exploits it as though its a trophy to be displayed next to the gay Christmas tree as a symbol of the current fall of "white oppressiveness."
Seriously? A gay Christmas tree? How stupid!
Not that Christmas trees and Santa Clause have anything to do with the real Christmas, but one thing is for certain, Jesus does not celebrate homosexuality.