Lou Engle Removed From Awaken 2020 Event With Kanye West For Anti-Homosexuality Stance?
Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported that Kanye West was invited to speak alongside a host of false teachers at the Awaken 2020 conference. Among those false teachers listed on the website -- as can be seen from the screenshot taken from the Awaken 2020 page on January 16 -- Lou Engle was listed among the speaker line-up.
After the article was published, Reformation Charlotte received a strange email from David Herzog, the organizer of the Awaken 2020 conference asking us to remove the article from our site and re-write our story including a statement claiming that Lou Engle wasn't part of the organization and accusing Reformation Charlotte along with several other news outlets of publishing false information.
While Reformation Charlotte never claimed that Lou Engle was an "organizer" of the event, we did report that he was a speaker. And he was absolutely listed on the speaker line-up as of 1/16/20. Now, the same website does not list Engle as a speaker. Reformation Charlotte responded to Herzog asking why Engle had been removed from the line-up. Herzog did not respond.
However, Herzog did provide a bizarre statement in a press release which was attached to the email in a PDF file which you can see below.
The statement is bizarre because Lou Engle was clearly listed on the speaker line-up for 2020 and, in the midst of a barrage of criticism from the left for West's involvement in an "anti-LGBTQ" event, suddenly, Engle disappears citing affiliations with "harmful platforms." Lou Engle has been known since at least as early as 2010 to support Ugandan president who introduced anti-LGBTQ legislation in which would include the death penalty for homosexuals and recently, Engle joined a group of ex-homosexuals for the Freedom March -- a movement that has largely been denounced by homosexuals as the participants reject their former homosexual orientation and identity. Interestingly, none of this mattered until Kanye West joined the line-up of Awaken 2020 and the left began crying out about it.
Below, you can see in the promo video which is now "unlisted" on YouTube where Lou Engle is clearly part of the Awaken 2020 conference.
David Herzog should come clean about the reasons why Engle was removed from the speaker line-up instead of lying and stating that "there is no basis or accurate reporting" to his involvement." Clearly, this is false and Herzog is the one who should "publish a retraction" and "rewrite his story" using facts.