Liberal "Pastors" Wash Illegal Immigrant's Feet to Honor Their Difficult Journeys
A group of 22 pastors from the United Church of Christ (UCC) -- an apostate mainline Protestant denomination -- as a way to garner support for open borders and amnesty. The UCC declared itself an "immigrant-welcoming" church in 2017 and announced that the denomination would support and harbor undocumented immigrants.
The liberal gay-affirming denomination has had several bouts of harboring illegal immigrants in the past and has staunchly withstood conservatives who desire to uphold the rule of law in the nation.
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The Huffington Post reports that the foot-washing took place on the Capitol Hill lawn on Wednesday.
Rev. Justo Gonzalez II, a UCC conference minister who represents congregations in northern Illinois, told HuffPost that he and his colleagues want to see Congress “defund hate and celebrate dignity.”
Of course, the United Church of Christ twists the Scriptures and the meaning of foot-washing which Jesus did to point to the greater cleansing of sin that He would provide His sheep at the cross. The UCC -- as do all mainline Protestant denominations -- like to pervert the Scriptures and turn Jesus into a social justice activist.