Justin Peters Calls Out Matt Chandler and Beth Moore at John MacArthur's Truth Matters Conference
Justin Peters is one of the foremost apologists for cessationism in the Evangelical Church and he is a strong opponent of the continuation of the spiritual gifts.
Continuationism is a heresy that is rooted in the 2nd-century heresy known as Montanism that promoted the continuation of the apostolic sign gifts -- namely prophecy. The heresy was condemned by the early Church yet has been revived in modern charismaticism primarily through Pentecostals.
However, mainstream Evangelicals -- like Beth Moore and Matt Chandler -- have embraced this heresy and even promote it in the Church. The movement is an absolute denial of the sufficiency of Scripture and should be opposed by every Bible-believing Christian.
See the video below beginning at about 6:20:30 mark.
Update: The video has been temporarily taken offline. We will get it back up as soon as it is available again. Check back soon!