by Jim Fennell
These four words are used by homosexuals (LBGHTQ+) to attack anyone (specifically Bible-believing Christians) who oppose their purpose: practicing their deviant lifestyle freely out in the open and spreading their message of ‘sexual freedom’ (and now gender choice), especially to children. The homosexual ‘community’ still claims to be persecuted victims of unlawful discrimination. But facts show they use their political power and agenda (thru laws and liberal politicians) to silence their opponents, calling them “fear” mongers.
However, these four words have been manipulated and twisted by this ‘community’ for maximum political effect to defend their objectives which are sexual. Biblical morality is not recognized, because as modern-day pagans the Bible is not important and irrelevant. Their beliefs are based upon the foundational principle of atheistic evolution: i.e. there is no God and no absolute standards of moral right and wrong. To them, ‘truth’ is relative--if there even is any truth at all. But let's consider an answer for each word they use in their attack arsenal. Word #4 is BIGOTRY.
A bigot is defined as "One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ." The homosexual movement claims that their enemies are filled with bigotry. However, the criteria of truth are avoided when they raise bigotry allegations.
It seems reasonable that when a person makes a conscious decision to identify with a particular group affiliated with a philosophy, a religion, a lifestyle, or a political belief (all of which are personal choices willfully made), or is preferential to a particular race, either their race or another race, (again a choice), then by definition they have a vested interest in what those choices support and promote. If 'strong partiality' is a key to bigotry, then homosexuals are the most bigoted people in America because their actions do not match their words that they are "tolerant".