Joe Biden Says Unlike African Americans, Latinos Are Diverse and Think Independently
What is absolutely horrifying is that a man, like Joe Biden, has any chance at all of becoming the most powerful leader in the world. Biden, a racist, misogynistic idiot who sniffs people for a living and can't string together a coherent thought, never fails to put his foot in his mouth and expose his prejudiced attitudes toward minorities.
Joe Biden recently said in an interview with representatives from the national associations of Black and Hispanic journalists on Wednesday that "unlike African Americans," Latinos are "incredibly diverse" and have "different attitudes about different things."
Of course, the logical translation of this incoherent gaffe is that Biden doesn't believe black people can think for themselves -- with a "few notable exceptions."
Remember, this is the same guy who said if you don't vote for him, "you ain't black," said he understands racism because he was bullied as a kid for stuttering, and once dropped the N-word on live television as a senator.
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