Joe Biden Confuses Trump with Bush, "Four More Years of George...Uh...George..."
From a Christian perspective, it should go without saying that supporting the Democrat party or their platform is impossible. One cannot be a Christian and hold to the extreme leftist positions -- such as abortion, LGBTQ indoctrination, theft, lawlessness, and very importantly, anti-religious liberty -- without compromising the gospel and rebelling against the commandments of God.
But from a practical point of view, it should also be pointed out that even if the left were to put up a moderate candidate who did not hold to these extreme positions, we should at least expect that candidate to be coherent in thought.
That is not the case, however, with Joe Biden.
Biden, who not only holds to the extreme anti-Christian views and policies, is also brain dead. Not only can he not remember which office he's running for, he can't remember who he's running against. Watch as he confuses Donald Trump with George Bush.